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Should a Taxpayer Contact the IRS if They Receive an Audit Notification?

FBAR Compliance - Domestic / International Taxpayer OVDP Program. Contact the IRS if They Receive an Audit Notification - San Diego

Should a taxpayer contact the IRS if they receive an audit notification?  Quite simply – it isn’t in your financial or legal interest to contact the IRS directly.  Most citizens think that cooperating with the IRS is the best policy.  They go out of their way to be courteous to the IRS Revenue Officer conducting the audit, and provide far more information than requested.  When the IRS auditor asks a question, they provide too much information in an attempt to seem open and honest.

Unfortunately, both of these actions expose the US taxpayer to an expanded IRS audit, increased exposure to taxes, penalties and interest.  The IRS auditors are highly skilled interrogators.  They know how to draw you into a conversation and lull you into a false sense of security while they ask you questions that expand your vulnerability and liability.

A taxpayer should never communicate directly with the IRS.

If you have received a notification of an IRS audit, take a deep breath.  Call us or visit our website for a free 8 page guide “What to Expect from an IRS Audit.”  When should a taxpayer contact the IRS if they receive an audit notification in San Diego or Southern California?  The answer is generally: never, unless they have spoken with the IRS audit professionals at Allen Barron and developed a comprehensive strategy for all communications.

IRS auditors already have an objective for your audit, and even a financial goal to collect from you in additional tax revenue.  That’s why your return was selected for an audit.  They have already developed a strategy for the audit, and how they will expand it into prior years if possible.

The IRS tax attorneys at Allen Barron have extensive expertise and years of experience working directly with the IRS.  We hold them to US tax law and generally accepted accounting principles.  We limit the scope of their questions.  They know there are questions they are not allowed to ask, and that they must stay focused on the original issue identified in the audit.  They also know that we will hold them to task, providing simply the information they require and nothing further.  We limit the scope of the interaction, and protect our clients by managing all of the communications and the IRS audit from start to finish.

All of our communications with a client are protected by the attorney-client privilege.  This formidable legal defense prevents the IRS from issuing a subpoena for any information we’ve gathered, notes or emails and texts.  If you work with a CPA, bookkeeper or tax preparer, the IRS can gather all of this information and use it against you.

Should a taxpayer contact the IRS if they receive an audit notification?  If you have received communication from the IRS or a California tax agency we invite you to contact Allen Barron or call today to schedule a free and substantive consultation at 866-631-3470.